
Sparring partner for
your successful business.

Have you ever wondered what makes a company successful?

Why some companies, products or projects fail, while others manage to succeed?

How do you make the right strategic decisions in times of constant and rapid change?

How can you attract, select and retain the right employees?

How can you ensure effective transformation into an agile organisation?


We already know the traditional approach to business management. It's about data, numbers, facts and content. Everything is perfectly planned and prepared, the goals and tools are defined. Still it doesn't work as expected.

Why? We all know that this is only 10% of the totality.

How are we different?
We facilitate the implementation of the systemic guiding priciples, which influence the remaining 90%, in order to ensure sustainable success of your organisation.

Our systemic approach complements the traditional approach to business management. Instead of getting specific advice, you can get direct insight of the dynamics and relationships beneath the surface. These hidden influences effect the company, turnover, profits and employees.


Gaining clarity

An actual real-time insight, a status quo, a snapshop of the entire company, of a product, a project or any business situation.

It becomes clear what is the actual problem and what are just the symptoms. The carriers of the symptoms become visible.

What blockages interrupt the flow? The flow of money, communication or in relationships. One identifies these obstacles to success and can resolve them.

Widening of the perspective

Organizational charts are linear and show a simple form of hierarchy. Systems, on the other hand, are not linear and contain diverse organic hierarchies.

We learn to see things from a different, much broader perspective that goes beyond the defined organization chart. We move to the level of the "system".

New impulses and solutions

Together we expand the reality and possibilities for the client and the respective company.

We recognize and activate the inner resources and thus achieve the desired results on our own.

New problem-solving approaches become visible. We get out of the box options for action, that we hadn't thought of before.

Better basis for decision making

We can validate our key assumptions for strategic planning.

You get answers to important strategic questions before you invest capital and deploy the team.

For example:
…should I expand into a new market?
…should I launch a new product?
…At what price?
...What are the effects of a potential restructuring?
…Is it worth to merge with another company?
…Or hire the new manager?


Innovation Summit, European Commision, Brussels
Innovation Summit, European Commision, Brussels

We get you and your company moving! Our goal is to initiate and provide interim support for sustainable development of your company and its managers. We help you to deploy and anchor the right principles thereby ensuring a healthy starting point for your continuous agile business tranformation.

1. Analysis of As-Is
Analysis of the As-Is, of the current situation
  • Get an instant insight into what is going on in the organisation.
  • Identify blind spots, hidden conflicts, mental models and patterns that influence us and block the sustainable success.
  • Get new impulses and see new alternative solutions.
2. Design of To-Be
Design of the To-Be, of the target state of the company
  • Design of 3P's of the company, People/Product/Processes and all important business areas and processes from a systemic point of view, such as strategy, product management, or leadership.
  • Prior to deploying capital and staff, we define systemic measures and check whether they weaken or strengthen the company.
3. Implementation of To-Be
Implementation of To-Be, of the target state
  • Mentoring of the implementation of the new systemic measures, strategy and change.
  • Intergration of the systemic view into everyday life of the organization.
  • Tracking of progress.
  • Ongoing coaching for emerging topics.

Training of the business owners, management boards and company leaders in the systemic approach, so that you can integrate systemic view into everyday life.

We facilitate development of your skills as a systemic leader in the areas od 3P's of the company, People/Product/Processes and all important business areas and processes such as strategy, product management, sales and business development.

Mira Silanova and Jack Canfield
Mira and Jack Canfield, America's number one Success Coach and bestselling author, who sold more than 500 million books including 47 New York times bestsellers. e.g. The Success Principles. - California,USA

One-on-One Coaching for selected topics for high level executives and business owners.

Give yourself the time to reflect on a regular basis on topics in your organisation and your personal topics as a leader.

Examples of the topics:
  • current challenges in leading people
  • challenges in business development
  • strategic changes and decisions - personal and in the organisation


Mira Silanova

Mira Silanova

Mira consults, trains and coaches business owners and high level corporate leaders and their teams internationally.

She has approx. 20 years experience in leadership roles and strategic consulting for global companies, international banking groups and largest institutional investors in Europe and USA.

She has expertise in systemic leadership, business development, innovation, marketing and product management, project management, investor relations and change management.

Mira has been trained by world class coaches in peak performance and systemic approach in USA, UK, Germany and Austria.

She is CMC Certified Management Consultant (CMC-Global) and professional public speaker.


It was an honour to work together, thank you for your trust:
